Time travel, romance, dystopian worlds (and YA novels)

Hooray! A new book! (AKA an excellent reason to blog.)

9780995119642The Hidden Door is book five of seven in the Across Time & Space series. In the story, our intrepid hero/ines are getting pretty good at being time travellers and dealing with massive culture shock. But then Regency gentleman George receives some terrible news, and millennial Ash decides to ‘help’ by stepping through a mysterious gateway…

The Hidden Door available in print and ebook. In celebration of its release, the ebooks for the whole series are priced at $0.99 US each. The discount lasts till 1 December 2019.

Here’s a link to the blurb, excerpt and retailers where you can buy the cheap ebook or the not-quite-so-cheap paperback.

Also, my previous novel Unshakeable has a bright, shiny new cover for its mass-market paperback edition. Isn’t it lovely?9780995119697

Unshakeable is a YA novel set in the distant future, where an Earth-born teen is illegally conscripted into a Martian ruler’s private army. It’s sci-fi, drama, a bit dystopian and apparently it’s also a romance.

Here’s a link to the blurb, excerpt, retailer et cetera.

So those are my latest successes. As for my latest, um,  failures…

My master plan was to blog monthly. Considering my last blog was in April 2019, I may have slightly missed that goal. I also intended to release The Hidden Door in August. (It’s August, right?)

But more importantly, I was keen to release Tyger this December….


Best intentions and all that, but Tyger is still stuck firmly in the editing process, and won’t be seen till early next year if we’re lucky. (It makes me think of Augustus Gloop from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory getting stuck in the tube between the chocolate river and the marshmallow room, or something).

Anyway, it’s currently out of my hands but I’ll assume that like Augustus, it’s marinating and growing better in every possible way.

Tyger WILL appear, and I promise I’ll tell you all about it as soon as there’s a firm release date. I might go wild and even do a preorder.

Until next time 😊


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